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Continuing its support for Ukraine, during the visit of Latvian Minister of Economics Viktors Valainis, Ministry of Economics State Secretary Edmunds Valantis,…
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The Development Finance Institution ALTUM will start accepting applications for the next, 5th round of project selection in the European Union Recovery Fund…
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We invite entrepreneurs, organizations representing and supporting businesses, and municipal representatives of the Kurzeme region to the forum “Funding and…
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On May 7, 2024, the Cabinet of Ministers decided to allocate additional state budget funding of €2,984,598 for foreign film production in Latvia. This co…
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To rapidly enhance the living standards and economic well-being of Latvian residents, considering the extremely rapid geopolitical, economic, and technological…
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According to the Central Statistical Bureau's quick estimate of gross domestic product (GDP), in the first quarter of this year, GDP at constant prices was 0.2%…