To create more world-class clusters across the EU by strengthening cluster excellence, the Commission launched in 2009 the European Cluster Excellence Initiative - ECEI. ECEI initiated by the European Commission, developed methodologies and tools to support cluster organisations to improve their capacities and capabilities in the management of clusters and networks. Being members of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative 13 project partners from nine European countries - all well experienced in the field of cluster management and support - created a uniform set of cluster management quality indicators and developed a quality labeling system for professional cluster management with the aim to get this methodology and proof of quality accepted all over Europe.
The quality labelling system consists of three levels – Bronze, Silver and Gold. While the Bronze label is not a quality label in the narrow sense, it just demonstrates that a cluster management is interested in improving its management performance, the Gold label is a quality label based on very high standards of cluster management practice. Cluster management organisations that do not meet the Gold standards yet, but are interested in demonstrating both to their cluster and potential partners that they are on the path towards cluster management excellence can subject themselves to a Silver label audit.
In Latvia there is one cluster that has received Silver label of ECEI:
And five clusters that have received Bronze label of ECEI;
Latvian high added value and healthy food cluster
Latvian wood construction cluster
Latvian Supply Chain Cluster
For more information please visit the official website of the European Commission.