Standardisation is a activity, the purpose of which is to develop conditions for optimum order in a specific field, by determining general and frequently applicable principles for solving existing or prospective tasks.

The most important results of standardisation include the improvement of conformity of products, processes and services to their intended purposes, elimination of technical barriers of trade and promotion of technological cooperation. Essentially, this activity includes the development, publication and introduction of standards.

The conformity of products, processes and services to their functional purpose, harmlessness for person's health, life and the environment create pre-conditions for free trade and cooperation between countries. Standards simplify access to the market, promote competitiveness, reduce risks and expenses, promote quality and safety.

A standard is a document formulated on the basis of a consensus and approved by bodies, which includes general and repeatedly applicable provisions, instructions or descriptions of various types of activities or the results thereof, and is aimed at optimum order in a specific field. Standards must be substantiated, combining scientific and production experience, and promote gaining of common benefit in an optimal way.

More information is available on the website of the Latvian national standardisation body Latvian Standard (LVS)