The project “Common communication strategies for sustainable actions and energy efficiency in the BSR”, CommonAct aims at improving communication on energy efficiency in buildings by piloting and implementing effective communication strategies in partner countries & organizations.
Strategies will be based on mapped best practise, transnational workshops to create key messages, partnership cooperation and with support from external communication experts.
Based on learnings from the pilots, a plan will be developed for a transnational communication platform for energy efficiency in the Baltic Sea Region , providing communciation assistance to project developers and when producing new communication strategies.
The partnership:
County Adminstrative Board of Dalarna Sweden
Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia
Tepsli OÜ, Estonia
Lithuanian Energy Agency, Lithuania
Estonian Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority (CPTRA)
Republic of Estonia Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Estonia
Polish Foundation for Energy Efficiency (FEWE), Poland
The Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS)
Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe – Initiative Wohnungswirtschaft Osteuropa (IWO) e.V, Germany
Project period: September 2st, 2020 till November 30th, 2021
The project is 100% funded by the Swedish Institute. Allocated budget is 48 500 euro
Inese Berzina, Unit of Energy Financial Insturments Senior Expert
Elina Sergejeva, Department of Energy efficiency and crisis management Senior Expert