Accreditation is attestation conducted by the national accreditation body on the competency of a conformity assessment body and its ability to perform specific conformity assessment activities. Accreditation is similar to an independent verification of a third party.
The attestation conducted by the national accreditation body on the competency of a conformity assessment body and its ability to perform specific conformity assessment activities is the basis for the ensuring of product quality and credibility of results of the conformity assessment conducted by the body. Accreditation is the top-level instrument in the entire hierarchy of quality provision, to ensure and verify the conformity of products and the provided services to safety, health and environment protection requirements. It helps in reducing technical barriers of trade and increases the trust of consumers, state administration and enterprises in the quality and safety of products and services.
In Latvia, accreditation is a pre-condition for the operation of conformity assessment institutions in the regulated area; moreover, accreditation is often used to certify competency in the non-regulated area as well.
More information is available on the website of the State Agency "Latvian National Accreditation Bureau"