In 2018-2022 activities for the development of innovation procurement in Latvia were implemented within an Interreg Europe project “Fostering the role of public authorities as demanders of innovation through public procurement” (iBuy).

In January 2023, the Ministry of Economics has launched an Interreg Baltic Sea Region project “Supporting BSR cities to implement public procurement of innovation while providing practical tools created using AI technologies and gamification methods” “PPI4Cities”.

PPI4cities intends to support the cities in BSR region to improve their public services and achieve their ambitious innovation goals through developing pragmatic tools, which would facilitate the uptake of public procurement of innovation. It will do so by bringing together a portfolio of capacity building material and tools that enable the various actors of the cities to exploit structured content and move forward faster and with greater confidence and certainty in adopting PPI. 

It will work on development of physical as well as virtual tools based on artificial technologies and gamification techniques in order to improve the engagement of the stakeholders and the target group into the development and piloting of the solutions. 

Project coordinator: Lithuanian Innovation Centre (LT) 

Project partners

  • The Baltic Institute of Finland (FI);

  • Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EE);

  • The Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia (LV); 

  • Panevėžys Development Agency (LT);

  • BME Region Mecklenburg Western Pomerania (DE); 

  • NorthDenmark EU-Office (DK). 

Project duration: 2023.01.01 – 2025.12.31 

Project total budget: 1 727 124,20 euro

Egija Aurēlija Liepiņa

Senior Expert
Egija.Aurelija.Liepina [at]