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In the Cabinet of Ministers meeting on July 9, the government approved the transfer of Baiba Vītoliņa, the current Director of the Consumer Rights Protection Centre (PTAC), to the position of Director of the State Construction Control Bureau (BVKB), effective from August 1 of this year.

To ensure the future development of BVKB in both construction and energy sectors and thereby ensure the effective execution of the institution's tasks, the Ministry of Economics deemed it essential to appoint a professional with prior experience in both institutional leadership and knowledge of the bureau's operational areas. After evaluating the requirements for the BVKB Director role and the human resources within the ministry's remit, it was concluded that PTAC Director B. Vītoliņa meets the qualifications outlined in the BVKB Director job description. She has extensive experience in institutional leadership, forming a unified team vision, and implementing market surveillance functions.

B. Vītoliņa highly appreciates the work done by BVKB so far, especially in the digitization of construction processes and the energy sector, becoming a leading institution in Europe for construction process digitization. "In my work, I will place significant emphasis on reducing administrative burdens through digital transformation, as well as implementing sustainable and efficient energy policies, effectively continuing the initiatives started by the previous leadership," emphasized B. Vītoliņa.

According to the third part of Article 11 of the Civil Service Law, B. Vītoliņa will be transferred to the position of Director of the Bureau for a term of five years, renewable for no more than two consecutive terms.

As known, the position of BVKB Director has been vacant since June 1, 2024. Currently, BVKB is led by the Deputy Director. According to the BVKB regulations, the BVKB Director is appointed by the Minister of Economics based on the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers.