In order to solve the problem of building cadastral survey queues and too enable persons to receive a building cadastral survey service within a reasonable time period, as well as to promote timely performance of construction works and commissioning of buildings, the building cadastral survey process was reviewed in general. As a result, the Ministry of Justice, in cooperation with the State Land Service, developed amendments to Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 263 of 10 April 2012 “Regulations on the Registration of Cadastre Objects and Update of Cadastre Data”, which determined the cases when the cadastral survey file of the building is not necessary.

However, in order to remove the requirement to submit the cadastral survey file to the institution that performs the functions of the construction board in case of extension of the construction permit, the Ministry of Economics drafted amendments to Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 529 of 2 September 2014 “Construction Regulations for Buildings”, which were approved by the Cabinet of Ministers at its meeting of March 28 this year.

If construction of a building has not been completed, the construction permit will be extended without performing cadastral survey of the building, but by declaring the unfinished new building in the Immovable Property State Cadastral Information System. In order to do this, a declaration on an unfinished new building will have to be submitted the State Land Service with a plan for the as-built measurement of the building location and also a photograph of the building appended, which certifies the indicators characterising the building indicated in the declaration. After registration of such data in the Immovable Property State Cadastral Information System, the institution, which performs the functions of the construction board, proposes an extension of the construction permit. The institution, which performs the functions of the construction board, ascertains the fact of registration of data of an unfinished building in the Immovable Property State Cadastral Information System (using the operational file functionality of the Construction Information System or the website

It is expected that such facilitated procedures will facilitate the possibility to extend the construction permit in a timely manner in order for the person to continue and complete construction work, as well as reduce the queue for the service at the State Land Service (cadastral survey of the building).

At the same time, the procedures for the commissioning of buildings have been clarified in cases where the construction of different groups of buildings is implemented within the framework of the construction process under one construction permit, the cadastral survey file of the building will be necessary for the commissioning of buildings only for the buildings (new buildings) of the second and third groups, but for other buildings included in the construction design, including the buildings of the first group, it will no longer be necessary.

More information on the approved amendments to Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 529 of 2 September 2014 “Construction Regulations for Buildings” can be found on the Legislation Portal.