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Upon approving amendments to the Cabinet of Ministers' regulations No. 408 of July 11, 2017, "Rules for calculating the management and administration fees of residential houses," the Cabinet of Ministers, in its session on September 19 this year, supported our proposal to refine the regulation to ensure the implementation of measures to improve the energy efficiency of residential houses, including building energy certification.

As is known, on January 20, 2021, amendments to the Residential House Management Law came into effect, stipulating that the residential house manager must ensure measures to improve the energy efficiency of the residential house, rather than just ensuring compliance with the minimum requirements set for residential house energy efficiency. Measures for improving building energy efficiency include building energy efficiency assessment, building energy certification, inspection of heating systems, and air conditioning systems, etc. For multi-apartment residential houses whose management rights have not been taken over by the owners (which constitute the majority of the multi-apartment residential house fund), the Cabinet of Ministers' regulations No. 408 of July 11, 2017, "Rules for calculating the management and administration fees of residential houses" apply.

Despite the aforementioned amendments to the law, in practice, the energy certification of multi-apartment buildings is not proceeding systematically. To promote systematic energy certification of multi-apartment buildings, and thereby allow homeowners and managers to effectively initiate measures to improve the energy efficiency of residential houses, the ministry prepared amendments to the Cabinet of Ministers' regulations to clarify the list of maintenance and administration works for the residential house and the income and expenditure report for a specific calendar year, including the item "Ensuring measures to improve the energy efficiency of the residential house, including compliance with minimum requirements and building energy certification." Thus, the manager will be able to include costs associated with building energy certification in the list. Building energy certification is essential for owners to have information about energy consumption in the building, allowing them to make an informed decision about the necessary works for improving building energy efficiency. Additionally, it should be noted that when preparing a project application for support for building renovation and the implementation of energy efficiency measures, energy efficiency assessment expenses can be included in the relevant costs.

Detailed information on the amendments to the Cabinet of Ministers' regulations No. 408 of July 11, 2017, "Rules for calculating the management and administration fees of residential houses" can be found on the Legal Acts Portal.

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