es fondi

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On December 17, the Cabinet of Ministers approved a new EU-funded support program to enhance energy efficiency in state-owned buildings, with a total investment of EUR 114.7 million planned over the next five years.

The program aims to improve energy efficiency in state buildings by conducting energy certifications, performing necessary construction works, upgrading engineering systems, and implementing automated management systems. These measures are designed to achieve a 30% reduction in primary energy consumption and support the transition to nearly zero-energy buildings. The program also provides funding for the acquisition and installation of renewable energy technologies.

Support will also be allocated to a priority project proposed by the Ministry of Education and Science, where the project applicant and funding recipient will be the University of Latvia. The project aims to enhance energy efficiency, introduce smart energy management, and increase the use of renewable energy resources.

By the end of 2029, the program is expected to improve energy efficiency in buildings owned or managed by the Ministry of Welfare, its subordinate institutions and state-owned enterprises, the State Provision Agency, and the state real estate agency VAS "Valsts nekustamie īpašumi." Other beneficiaries include the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control, the State Blood Donor Center, the Emergency Medical Service, the Ministry of Finance, the Bank of Latvia, the Parliament of Latvia (Saeima), the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, the Ministry of Agriculture and its subordinate institutions, the Ministry of Education and Science, and selected buildings managed by the SIA "Tiesu namu aģentūra."

As stipulated by the revised Energy Efficiency Directive, all EU member states must ensure that at least 3% of the total floor area of public buildings owned and occupied by public bodies is renovated annually. These renovations aim to transform buildings into nearly zero-energy or zero-emission structures. The support program will contribute to this goal by facilitating the renovation of at least 271,972 m² of state-owned building space.