Informatīvs plakāts par semināru

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To inform about the new #EUFunds support program for increasing the energy efficiency of multi-apartment buildings, the Ministry of Economics, in cooperation with ALTUM, invites building renovation project managers to a practical seminar, which will take place on February 6 from 10:00 to 12:00.

The seminar is intended for project managers and authorized persons involved in improving the energy efficiency of multi-apartment buildings. More favorable support conditions are provided for Latgale, so we especially invite project managers from Latgale municipalities to attend the seminar.

During the event, participants will have the opportunity to learn about the possibilities, conditions, and preparatory work for the new EU funds support program for building renovations. Special attention will be given to legal aspects and practical recommendations for selecting suppliers.

The total funding for the support program is 171.9 million euros, and within its framework, it is planned to renovate approximately 266 multi-apartment residential buildings by the end of 2029.

The seminar will take place in Riga, at "Zeiss Biroji," Dēļu Street 2, with the opportunity to follow the live broadcast on ALTUM’s social media accounts on Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn. After the event, a full recording of the seminar will be published so that anyone interested can watch it at their convenience.

The new support program for increasing the energy efficiency of multi-apartment buildings will be implemented with the support of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Event program:

10:00 – 10:30 What will the new support program be like? Main conditions and principles
Selīna Vancāne, Ministry of Economics

10:30 – 11:00 Recommendations for project preparation and supplier selection
Ieva Vērzemniece, Daina Pulkstene, ALTUM

11:00 – 11:30 Current updates in the Apartment Property Law – minority voting
Mārtiņš Auders, Ministry of Economics

Registration for the event is mandatory, and the number of in-person seminar places is limited. Registration is available via the link:

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