On August 10 this year, the Minister of Economics Ilze Indriksone went on a working visit to Lithuania to discuss cooperation in natural gas security and energy independence matters with Lithuanian Minister of Energy Dainius Kreivys, as well as to visit Global BOD Group, the leading company in the field of solar technologies.

During the meeting with the Lithuanian Minister of Energy, they discussed the draft project for synchronisation of the Baltic States’ electricity grids with the European grid, the developments relating to the security of natural gas supply, the support measures planned in both countries for the next heating season to compensate for high energy prices. They also discussed the need for the development of electricity grids and the possibility of accepting new renewable energy capacities in the grids.

Both ministers agreed that our energy systems were closely linked and that the challenges of this moment could be more easily overcome through close cooperation. The future transformation and development of the energy system is also inconceivable without regional cooperation. The projects implemented so far and in the process of implementation are proof of our capabilities. Projects for synchronisation of the Baltic States’ electricity grids with the European grid are the most important priority of this moment, both in Latvia and Lithuania. Moreover, it is necessary to look for ways to complete this activity as soon as possible without endangering the stability of the system and the public interest.

During the talk, I.Indriksone emphasised: “Progress towards desynchronisation from the BRELL network and synchronisation with the grid of continental Europe is an absolute priority. Moreover, we also support a faster desynchronisation of the Baltic States’ electricity grid, provided it does not have an unpredictable negative impact on our energy system.”

As it is known, the project under the contract “On synchronisation of electric grids of the Baltic States with the grid of Continental Europe and desynchronisation from BRELL (Belarus, Russia, Estonia, Latia, Lithuania)” is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2025, but there are ongoing active discussions between the responsible ministries of the region and transmission system operators on the possibilities of completing it earlier.

It is absolutely clear at the moment that Russia has waged an energy war against Europe.  “It is therefore essential to send a clear signal that all unfriendly steps cannot shake our unity and shared values – to strengthen our energy independence,” I.Indriksone said.

During the talk, the ministers emphasised the need to extend mutual coordination mechanisms to exchange information on relevant and topical matters, as well as to plan preparations for the new challenges in a timely manner. A regional assessment of the natural gas supply security situation and an analysis of the future role of natural gas in energy supply could be one of the first matters.

Ministers also exchanged information on the decisions adopted by governments on state support to households, partly covering increases in the prices of energy sources used in heating.

Despite the current challenges in the energy sector and the need to pay increasing attention to LNG supplies and infrastructure, renewable energy projects are considered to be a top priority in the long term,” the Minister of Economics said.

Promoting cross-border electricity projects in the Baltic Sea region could help ensure the energy security of the Baltic States, especially after completing the synchronisation project. Latvia considers renewable energy sources as an opportunity to increase and diversify local and regional energy production.

At the end of the visit, the Minister of Economics visited Global BOD Group, the leading company in Lithuania in the field of solar technology, which produces innovative solar panel systems that perform not only the function of classical solar panels in the production of energy but also provide other functions (coverings of enclosing structures, sound barriers, etc.).