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On June 25th this year, the Cabinet of Ministers reviewed the informative report prepared by the Ministry of Economics, titled "On Latvia's Involvement in the Reconstruction of the Chernihiv Region, Ukraine," confirming the directions for support for the year 2024. At the same time, the government also approved the allocation of the previously planned funding of two million euros to the Ministry of Economics for the relevant procurements.

As known, a year ago, in June 2023, the government, upon reviewing the informative report prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, titled "On Latvia's Involvement in the Reconstruction of Ukraine, Particularly the Chernihiv Region," decided to continue providing support for Ukraine's reconstruction, allocating two million euros annually from the state budget for this purpose in 2024, 2025, and 2026.

Support for Ukraine's restoration was, is, and will remain one of the priorities of the Latvian government. "Today's decision is a significant step in aiding the Chernihiv region, continuing and supplementing our previously initiated support measures for the reconstruction and modernization of preschools affected by the war and the improvement of temporary housing," emphasized the Minister of Economics, Viktors Valainis.

Taking into account the needs identified by the Ukrainian side, the government decided that this year it will purchase heating boiler houses worth approximately 1.85 million euros to improve the infrastructure of educational institutions in the Chernihiv region, approaching the autumn and winter season as well as the start of the academic year.

At the same time, the government also decided to purchase furniture worth approximately 150 thousand euros to furnish the 12 modular houses purchased and delivered to the city of Chernihiv last year as part of Latvia's support, as well as the 6 private houses reconstructed and the 5 modular houses purchased in the village of Yahidne in the Chernihiv region within the support provided by the funding allocated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2022 and 2023.

The procurement is planned to be carried out using an open competition procedure in accordance with the first point of the first part of Article 8 of the Public Procurement Law. The number of goods to be delivered to the Ukrainian side will depend on the total costs offered by the bidders, which will include both the production and delivery of the goods.

As previously informed, the two million euro funding allocated to the Ministry of Economics in 2023 was used to support the reconstruction of Chernihiv with the involvement of Latvian entrepreneurs. In close cooperation with Ukrainian partners and according to the needs identified by the Ukrainian side, 12 modular houses produced in Latvia, 88 playground equipment units, 3300 furniture units for preschools, and 32 generators to ensure the continuity of educational institutions' operations were delivered.