finansējums un atbalsts biznesam Kurzemē

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Entrepreneurs from the Kurzeme region, representatives of business support organizations, and municipal representatives are invited to a forum in Liepāja on May 31, titled "Financing and Support for Business in Kurzeme." During the event, entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to learn comprehensive information about available state and Kurzeme planning region support programs and conditions, listen to success stories from several companies, and receive consultations from representatives of various state support institutions at a networking session.

The forum will be streamed live at: YouTube Live

The forum will be opened by Jurģis Miezainis, Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Economics, and Gunārs Ansiņš, Chairman of the Liepāja City Council. At the beginning of the forum, Edmunds Valantis, State Secretary of the Ministry of Economics, will provide an overview of state, Recovery Fund, and EU fund support programs for business development, productivity, and export capacity enhancement.

In the discussion titled “How to Promote Sustainable Development of Kurzeme Businesses and Region with State Support?” Jurģis Miezainis, Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Economics, will discuss with representatives of the Liepāja Special Economic Zone and businesses the necessary support for the faster development of the Kurzeme region's business sector.

Following the discussion, representatives from the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA), Altum, and the Central Finance and Contracting Agency will provide information on currently available support programs for entrepreneurs. Representatives from Ventspils High Technology Park, the Latvian IT Cluster Kurzeme representation, and the Kurzeme Planning Region will inform about support opportunities for business digitalization and municipal support for entrepreneurs. Additionally, representatives from SIA "ARKA lux" and SIA "LPSP" will share their business experiences.

During the forum, entrepreneurs and all interested parties will have the opportunity to receive in-person consultations from representatives of LIAA, Altum, the State Revenue Service, the Latvian Digital Accelerator and IT Cluster, the Patent Office, the State Labour Inspectorate, the Central Finance and Contracting Agency, SOLVIT Centre, the Rural Support Service, and the Competition Council about support instruments and conditions for receiving support.

The forum for Kurzeme region entrepreneurs will take place on May 31 at 10:00 AM in Liepāja, at the concert hall "Great Amber" (Radio Street 8, Liepāja). The forum agenda and registration form for participation are published on the Ministry of Economics website.