Konkurss energoefektīvākā ēka Latvijā 2024

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This year, the competition “Most Energy Efficient Building in Latvia” has received a total of 43 entries. The largest number of entries—32—are competing in the category “Most Energy Efficient Renovated Multi-Apartment Building in Latvia 2024”.

In the category “Most Energy Efficient Renovated Multi-Apartment Building in Latvia 2023”, 32 entries were submitted, with buildings located at the following addresses:

  • Birzes iela 33, Ikšķile
  • Garozas iela 24, Jelgava
  • Kalnciema ceļš 47, Jelgava
  • Katoļu iela 9, Jelgava
  • Pasta iela 34, Jelgava
  • Rīgas iela 57, Jelgava
  • Ogres iela 2, Ķegums
  • Rīgas iela 9, Piņķi
  • Rīgas iela 10, Piņķi
  • Brāļu Skrindu iela 19a, Rēzekne
  • Atbrīvošanas aleja 145, Rēzekne
  • Dārzu iela 8, Rēzekne
  • Dārzu iela 40, Rēzekne
  • Dārzu iela 43, Rēzekne
  • Dārzu iela 81, Rēzekne
  • Lubānas iela 59, Rēzekne
  • Stacijas iela 18, Rēzekne
  • Anitas iela 6, Rīga
  • Bauskas iela 53, Rīga
  • Bauskas iela 55, Rīga
  • Dzelzavas iela 67, Rīga
  • Dzelzavas iela 90, Rīga
  • Latgales iela 237, Rīga
  • Upes iela 2a, Rīga
  • Kalnsētas iela 12, Saldus
  • Zvejnieku iela 16, Roja, Talsu novads
  • Raiņa iela 12a, Valka
  • Rīgas iela 5, Valka
  • Rīgas iela 6, Valka
  • Linarda Laicena iela 12, Valmiera
  • Linarda Laicena iela 13, Valmiera
  • Smiltenes iela 2a, Valmiera

In the category “Most Energy Efficient Multi-Apartment Building in Latvia 2024. New Build”, three entries were submitted, with buildings located at:

  • Lielā iela 45, Mārupe
  • Dravnieku iela 1, Rīga
  • Dzelzavas iela 108, Rīga

In the category “Most Energy Efficient Public Building in Latvia 2024”, seven entries were submitted, with buildings located at:

  • Bauskas BJSS sports hall, Pilskalna iela 26, Bauska
  • Kosmosa izziņas centrs, Cīrulīšu iela 63, Cēsis
  • RIMI store, Rīgas iela 22, Ķekava
  • Ogres Valsts ģimnāzija, Meža prospekts 17, Ogre
  • Babītes secondary school and sports complex, Jūrmalas iela 17, Piņķi
  • Medical Education Technology Center, Anniņmuižas bulvāris 26A, Rīga
  • VSIA "Strenču psychiatric hospital", Valkas iela 11, Strenči, Valmieras novads

In the category “Most Energy Efficient Detached House in Latvia”, one entry was submitted: Celmu iela 20, Jaunmārupe, Mārupes novads.

For the 14th year, the competition “Most Energy Efficient Building in Latvia” is announced within the campaign “Live Warmer” by the Ministry of Economics, aimed at promoting best practices in building energy efficiency and sustainability. The competition encourages the construction, renovation, and reconstruction of energy-efficient buildings, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions and raising public awareness about well-being, building insulation, indoor climate, and the importance and opportunities for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to create high-quality, architecturally expressive living spaces.

Applications for the “Most Energy Efficient Building in Latvia 2024” competition were invited until June 18 of this year. During the summer, the competition jury will evaluate all submitted entries, decide which buildings will advance to the second round of evaluation, and conduct on-site inspections of the buildings. The award ceremony for the competition winners is planned for September this year.

The competition regulations were prepared in collaboration with the partners of the information campaign “Live Warmer”—the State Construction Control Bureau, the State Fire and Rescue Service, the European Commission Representation in Latvia, AS “Sadales tīkls”, Elektrum Energy Efficiency Center, Rural Support Service, Riga Energy Agency, Riga Technical University, Riga Stradiņš University, Latvian Association of Property Managers and Administrators, Latvian Association of Window and Door Manufacturers, Building Materials Manufacturers Association, Latvian Mineral Wool Manufacturers Association, Latvian Association of Heat, Gas and Water Technology Engineers, Financial Industry Association, and SIA “Public Asset Manager Possessor”.

The competition supporters include SIA “Paroc”, SIA “Saint-Gobain Construction Products”, SIA “Knauf”, SIA “Rockwool”, Development Finance Institution “Altum”, AS “Latvenergo”, VentSys, AS “Rīgas siltums”, SIA “Robert Bosch”, SIA “Innovation B&G”, Proclima, Enervent, and SIA “Web Multishop Company”. The informational supporters of the competition are the magazine “Būvinženieris”, the newspaper “Latvijas Avīze”, and the construction portals www.abc.lv, https://archidea.lv/, and www.building.lv.