apsveikums LATAK dzimšanas dienā

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Today, on August 30, the Latvian National Accreditation Bureau (LATAK) celebrates its 30th anniversary. For three decades, LATAK has provided internationally recognized accreditation services to conformity assessment bodies, thereby enhancing the export capacity and competitiveness of the Latvian economy, ensuring international recognition and trust in goods and services while taking into account national and societal interests.

Reflecting on the development of accreditation during his time as LATAK director from 2003 to 2008, Edmunds Beļskis said:

“It was an honor to lead LATAK during a period when public administration was implementing a process of improving public services. State institutions were reorganized into state agencies, with a special focus on client-oriented service delivery, understanding their needs, proactive improvement in conformity assessment, and implementing the recognition of international multilateral accreditation systems.

The recognition of multilateral accreditation systems facilitated and made the export of products and services produced and certified by Latvian entrepreneurs to the European Union and international markets safer and easier.

The high competence and integrity of accreditation assessors and experts played a crucial role in achieving LATAK’s priorities, as well as the non-discriminatory, fact-based approach to evaluating the competence of conformity assessment bodies.

I wish LATAK continued success in maintaining high competence standards and promoting the development of reliable, safe, and quality products and services in Latvia.”

Since the establishment of the quality infrastructure in 1994, LATAK has continuously set higher goals and currently provides accreditation services in nine areas:

  • Testing, calibration, and medical laboratories
  • Inspection bodies
  • Certification bodies for products, management systems, and persons
  • Environmental verifiers (EMAS)
  • Proficiency testing providers
  • Validation and verification bodies
  • Including foreign institutions.

LATAK management and staff actively participate in policy development, competence maintenance, and international accreditation, fostering a professional environment both in Latvia and abroad. They engage in experience-sharing events and harmonize national and international standards. Currently, LATAK provides accreditation services to 305 conformity assessment bodies in areas that significantly impact the interests of society and entrepreneurs.

Gundega Jaunbērziņa-Beitika, Director of LATAK, noted:

“Over these 30 years, accreditation services in Latvia have continuously evolved, adapting to the needs of society and businesses, and undergoing changes due to political positions and environmental shifts. Accreditation has taken on new dimensions with LATAK’s membership in European and international accreditation organizations. Five years ago, when we celebrated LATAK’s 25th anniversary, one of our priorities was to become a full member of international accreditation organizations—the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC). We achieved this goal in 2022, allowing the Agency and its accredited conformity assessment bodies to use internationally recognized accreditation marks, which have high global recognition. This increases the trustworthiness and recognition of our services beyond Latvia. For many years, we have also been a full member of the European Cooperation for Accreditation (EA), offering Latvian entrepreneurs equal opportunities to operate in European countries. This achievement is significant, especially now when global trade is one of our entrepreneurs' key objectives.

We have consistently maintained a high level of competence, improved the quality infrastructure with conformity assessment bodies, fostered a collaborative dialogue with stakeholders, achieved strategic goals, and become a provider of quality and reliable accreditation services. We ensure compliance with accreditation requirements in conformity assessment and have introduced risk-based decision-making, all to safeguard the interests of society.

LATAK’s 30th anniversary is an opportunity to reflect on and evaluate our accomplishments. Despite what has been achieved, the key is to always follow the belief that supportive collaboration is the foundation for progress and excellence. Together, we have built infrastructure and joined many organizations. We must continue to fill this infrastructure with valuable content and conformity assessment schemes that support our economy and add value to the products we create. Only by working in step with manufacturers, companies, and conformity assessment bodies can we create synergy and ensure the safety and reliability of the conformity assessment system.”

About the National Accreditation Bureau of Latvia

The National Accreditation Bureau of Latvia (LATAK) is the national accreditation institution, providing comprehensive internationally recognized accreditation services in Latvia. It accredits testing, calibration, and medical laboratories, inspection bodies, certification bodies for products, management systems, and persons. LATAK also accredits environmental verifiers according to EMAS and EU ETS regulations, and evaluates laboratories following Good Laboratory Practice principles. Accreditation is conducted in compliance with national and European Union regulations, national, European, and international standards, and mutual recognition agreements with international accreditation organizations (EA, IAF, ILAC). LATAK adheres to policies ensuring impartiality, objectivity, confidentiality, conflict of interest prevention, and anti-corruption.