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In an effort to strengthen the supervision of construction specialists and architects, as well as to enhance the capacity of certification bodies responsible for this oversight, the Cabinet of Ministers decided on August 20, 2023, to increase the supervision fees for construction specialists and architects starting from January 1, 2025.

These amendments are based on calculations submitted by industry representatives regarding the actual costs of implementing supervision and inspection activities, which have become necessary to balance the increased real costs due to inflation and the current economic situation.

Since 2019, these fees have not been updated, and due to the impact of inflation, they have become misaligned with the actual situation in the country. The costs of providing these services have risen, considering the increased expenses related to human resources and services, the revised time required for service provision, technological solutions, and actions necessary to meet current quality standards.

To cover the increased costs for the supervision of construction specialists, from next year, construction specialists will be required to pay an average of 255 EUR per year for each active field of operation (currently 180 EUR per year). Additionally, the fee for assessing competencies, skills, and knowledge levels, as well as for professional development evaluation, will be increased to 250 EUR, with a reduced rate of 130 EUR applicable if the assessment is conducted on a partial basis.

To strengthen the capacity of the architect competency assessment institutions in handling complaints, given the sharp increase in the number of complaints and the complexity of the issues being reviewed, as well as to balance the increased costs due to inflation as outlined in the fee schedule for architect competency assessment services, the government decided that from January 1, 2025, the total supervision costs for architect certifications will be 350 EUR per year (currently 214 EUR per year), while the supervision fee for certifications under reduced supervision will be set at 150 EUR per year (currently 100 EUR per year).

The number of complaints against architects has significantly increased, and the cases being reviewed have become more complex, as the parties involved frequently approach the architect competency assessment institution to resolve mutual disputes. The institution cannot refuse to review cases if the complaints involve certified architects' violations. If a decision is contested, the architect competency assessment institution must continue participating in the case until it is resolved in court. Consequently, there is a significant need to strengthen the capacity of the architect competency assessment institution in handling complaints and disciplinary cases.

At the same time, the fee for repeated competency assessment has been reduced from 960 EUR to 400 EUR, and the fee for professional development evaluation has been reduced from 240 EUR to 90 EUR, considering that the scope of these assessments has been reduced, as certified architects do not require as extensive a review as first-time certification candidates.

Detailed information about the amendments approved by the government can be found on the Unified Legislation Portal:

  • Amendments to Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 100 of March 5, 2019, "Fee Schedule for Supervision and Competency Assessment of Construction Specialists";
  • Amendments to Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 189 of May 7, 2019, "Fee Schedule for Architect Competency Assessment Institutions' Services."