On July 14 this year, the Saeima supported in the final reading the amendments prepared by the Ministry of Economics to the Energy Law and the Electricity Market Law, which will contribute to…
On July 14 this year, the Saeima adopted as a matter of urgency amendments to the Law on Assistance to Ukrainian Civilians, which provides for the supplementing of the regulations with another…
The first round of project selection has been completed in the new support programme for large and medium-sized enterprises, in which it is possible to receive a loan with a capital discount of up to…
At its meeting of 14 June 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the Recovery Fund support programme, which will provide support for the improvement of energy efficiency of multi-apartment…
In order to address market failures and to provide high-quality and affordable rental housing in regions for households unable to afford housing at a market price due to insufficient incomes, the…
When assessing the most acute needs of Latvia’s economy, the Ministry of Economics has submitted to the Ministry of Finance a list of priority measures that would require additional state budget…