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On May 7, 2024, the Cabinet of Ministers decided to allocate additional state budget funding of €2,984,598 for foreign film production in Latvia. This co…
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To rapidly enhance the living standards and economic well-being of Latvian residents, considering the extremely rapid geopolitical, economic, and technological…
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According to the Central Statistical Bureau's quick estimate of gross domestic product (GDP), in the first quarter of this year, GDP at constant prices was 0.2%…
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Certified construction specialists are responsible for the quality of construction projects and work, while the state is responsible for their certification and…
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A new European Union fund support program with a total public financing of over €32 million will be available for the development of dual-use products and…
More than 600 people from 31 countries registered to participate in the annual PMNET Forum or Precision Medicine Networking Forum. Over the past three years, it has become one of the leading…